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Cairngorms National Park Authority Planning & Development Control Committee 25th August 2006, The Albert Memorial Hall, Ballater Additional Paper; Call-in Recommendation Report CNPA Ref 06/316/CP Applicant Name Mr Roger & Mrs Celia Biscombe Development Thistle Cottage, Auchnarrow, Ballindalloch Development Details Demolish existing dwelling and erect a new one and a half storey dwelling CNPA Notified 09-Aug-06 Call-in Expiry 30-Aug-06 Application Type FUL Planner Recommendation No Call-in Call-in Reasons None Constraints AGLV CNPA Ref 06/317/CP Applicant Name Forestry Commission Scotland Development Development Site at Strathmashie Laggan Development Details Extension of "Wolftrax" bike trails and erection of shelter building CNPA Notified 10-Aug-06 Call-in Expiry 31-Aug-06 Application Type FUL Planner Recommendation To Follow Call-in Reasons None Constraints AGLV NMR Adj SAC SSSI Prev App 03/055 05/409 04/004&413 06/096 CNPA Ref 06/318/CP Applicant Name Ms M McCafferty Development Parkhead Cottage, 19 Skye Of Curr Road, Dulnain Bridge Development Details Demolition of existing cottage and erection of new dwelling CNPA Notified 10-Aug-06 Call-in Expiry 31-Aug-06 Application Type OUT Planner Recommendation To Follow Call-in Reasons None Constraints None CNPA Ref 06/319/CP Applicant Name Cairngorm Mountain Trust Development Coire Cas Car Park, Glenmore Development Details Construction of timber "camera obscura" tunnel CNPA Notified 10-Aug-06 Call-in Expiry 31-Aug-06 Application Type FUL Planner Recommendation Call-in Call-in Reasons The proposal involves the construction of a camera obscura tunnel to form an additional tourist facility at Cairngorm Mountain. The proposal raises issues in relation to landscape, tourist facilities, interpretation of natural and cultural heritage and the economic development of the site. Consequently, the proposal raises issues of significance for the collective aims of the Cairngorms National Park. Constraints NSA CNPA Ref 06/320/CP Applicant Name Muir Homes Development Land Between Seafield Avenue and Castle Road East, Grantown on Spey Development Details Erection of 228 dwellings, formation of 7 serviced house plots; associated road construction, drainage and landscaping CNPA Notified 10-Aug-06 Call-in Expiry 31-Aug-06 Application Type FUL Planner Recommendation Call-in Call-in Reasons The proposal is for a large scale residential development including landscaping, open space and play areas. The proposal raises a wide range of issues relating to housing, affordable housing, housing design, natural and cultural heritage, local infrastructure and the social and economic development of the area. Consequently, the proposal raises issues of significance with regard to the collective aims of the Cairngorms National Park. Constraints AWI Adj NMR Part Overlap Prev App 06/272/CP CNPA Ref 06/321/CP Applicant Name Mr & Mrs Elias Development The Steading, Mains of Inverey, Inverey Development Details Alterations and Extension to Dwellinghouse and Erection of Wind Turbine CNPA Notified 11-Aug-06 Call-in Expiry 01-Sep-06 Application Type FUL Planner Recommendation To Follow Call-in Reasons None Constraints NSA CA SESA-SINS Prev App 04/539/CP CNPA Ref 06/322/CP Applicant Name Airwave O2 Ltd Development Morrone Hill, Radio Facilities, Braemar Development Details Installation of 2 No. Transmission Dishes and Ancillary Apparatus to Existing Telecommunications Tower CNPA Notified 11-Aug-06 Call-in Expiry 01-Sep-06 Application Type FUL Planner Recommendation No Call-in Call-in Reasons None Constraints NSA NNR SSSI SAC SESA-SINS CNPA Ref 06/323/CP Applicant Name Miss S Macpherson Development Craigbuie House, Balgown Road, Laggan Development Details Erection of agricultural shed CNPA Notified 14-Aug-06 Call-in Expiry 04-Sep-06 Application Type AGR Planner Recommendation No Call-in Call-in Reasons None Constraints AGLV CNPA Ref 06/324/CP Applicant Name Lachlan Stewart Development Farm Buildings at Dorback Estate, Nethy Bridge Development Details Erection of sheep shed/shelter CNPA Notified 14-Aug-06 Call-in Expiry 04-Sep-06 Application Type AGR Planner Recommendation No Call-in Call-in Reasons None Constraints Adj SAC CNPA Ref 06/325/CP Applicant Name Mr & Mrs Matheson Development Cairdeas, Carrbridge Development Details Conservatory extension for use as tearoom CNPA Notified 14-Aug-06 Call-in Expiry 04-Sep-06 Application Type FUL Planner Recommendation No Call-in Call-in Reasons None Constraints None CNPA Ref 06/326/CP Applicant Name G Bruce Development Site Opposite 45 Bridge Street, Ballater Development Details Commercial Development Erection of Non Food Retail Unit CNPA Notified 15-Aug-06 Call-in Expiry 05-Sep-06 Application Type FUL Planner Recommendation No Call-in Call-in Reasons None Constraints CA SESA-SINS Prev App 06/314/CP CNPA Ref 06/327/CP Applicant Name The Crown Estate Development Ruthven Farm, Kirkmichael, Ballindalloch Development Details Renovate existing dwelling CNPA Notified 15-Aug-06 Call-in Expiry 05-Sep-06 Application Type FUL Planner Recommendation To Follow Call-in Reasons None Constraints AGLLV NMR Listed Building CNPA Ref 06/328/CP Applicant Name Derek J Topping Development Craigmhor, 26 Hillside Avenue, Kingussie Development Details Alterations to existing garage to form studio; erection of new garage and link corridor CNPA Notified 17-Aug-06 Call-in Expiry 07-Sep-06 Application Type FUL Planner Recommendation No Call-in Call-in Reasons None Constraints None CNPA Ref 06/329/CP Applicant Name Mr & Mrs D Wilde Development Oaklee, Church Terrace, Newtonmore Development Details Extension and alterations to dwelling CNPA Notified 17-Aug-06 Call-in Expiry 07-Sep-06 Application Type FUL Planner Recommendation No Call-in Call-in Reasons None Constraints None CNPA Ref 06/330/CP Applicant Name Mr & Mrs Dudleston Development Craigellachie, Carrbridge Development Details Conservatory extension CNPA Notified 17-Aug-06 Call-in Expiry 07-Sep-06 Application Type FUL Planner Recommendation No Call-in Call-in Reasons None Constraints None Prev App 03/140/CP CNPA Ref 06/331/CP Applicant Name Scottish & Newcastle Ltd Development The Winking Owl, 123 Grampian Road, Aviemore Development Details External decking and stairs CNPA Notified 17-Aug-06 Call-in Expiry 07-Sep-06 Application Type FUL Planner Recommendation No Call-in Call-in Reasons None Constraints None CNPA Ref 06/332/CP Applicant Name John Ross Development Site B, Achnagonalin Industrial Estate, Grantown On Spey Development Details Erection of workshop/store CNPA Notified 17-Aug-06 Call-in Expiry 07-Sep-06 Application Type FUL Planner Recommendation No Call-in Call-in Reasons None Constraints AWI SNAWI CNPA Ref 06/333/CP Applicant Name Mr & Mrs I Dyce Development Drummore, East Terrace, Kingussie Development Details Erection of double garage CNPA Notified 17-Aug-06 Call-in Expiry 07-Sep-06 Application Type FUL Planner Recommendation No Call-in Call-in Reasons None Constraints None CNPA Ref 06/334/CP Applicant Name Grants Of Aviemore Development Filling Station, 62 Grampian Road, Aviemore Development Details Illuminated canopy fascia advertisement CNPA Notified 17-Aug-06 Call-in Expiry 07-Sep-06 Application Type ADV Planner Recommendation No Call-in Call-in Reasons None Constraints NSA CNPA Ref 06/335/CP Applicant Name Mr R King Development Alvey House, Golf Course Road, Newtonmore Development Details Erection of self contained letting annexe and staff accommodation annexe CNPA Notified 17-Aug-06 Call-in Expiry 07-Sep-06 Application Type FUL Planner Recommendation To Follow Call-in Reasons None Constraints None Prev App 03/099/CP CNPA Ref 06/336/CP Applicant Name Mr & Mrs Huisman Development Site in Grounds of Laggan Country Hotel, Laggan Development Details Erection of dwelling CNPA Notified 17-Aug-06 Call-in Expiry 07-Sep-06 Application Type FUL Planner Recommendation To Follow Call-in Reasons None Constraints AGLV CNPA Ref 06/337/CP Applicant Name Highlands Small Communities Housing Trust Development Land at Catlodge, Laggan Development Details Formation of 7 serviced house plots and associated roadworks and services CNPA Notified 17-Aug-06 Call-in Expiry 07-Sep-06 Application Type OUT Planner Recommendation Call-in Call-in Reasons The proposal represents the creation of a residential development, including affordable housing, in a countryside area on a site which is important in terms of its location and character. As such, it raises issues relating to housing in the countryside policy, provision of affordable housing, precedent, natural and cultural heritage and social and economic development. It is therefore considered to raise of issues of general significance to the collective aims of the National Park. Constraints AGLV Adj AWI SNAWI NMR CNPA Ref 06/338/CP Applicant Name O2 Airwave Development Site at Adielinn Plantation, Glen Clova Development Details Installation of Two Transmission Dishes on Existing Telecommunication Mast CNPA Notified 17-Aug-06 Call-in Expiry 07-Sep-06 Application Type TEL Planner Recommendation No Call-in Call-in Reasons None Constraints None CNPA Ref 06/339/CP Applicant Name Mr Alex Foster Development Hawthorn House and Cottage Main Street Tomintoul Development Details Alter existing dwelling and extend into cottage and erect double garage to rear CNPA Notified 21-Aug-06 Call-in Expiry 11-Sep-06 Application Type FUL Planner Recommendation No Call-in Call-in Reasons None Constraints AGLV NMR CNPA Ref 06/340/CP Applicant Name Grants Of Aviemore Development 39 Spey Avenue, Grantown-On-Spey Development Details Internally illuminated fascia advertisement CNPA Notified 21-Aug-06 Call-in Expiry 11-Sep-06 Application Type ADV Planner Recommendation No Call-in Call-in Reasons None Constraints CA CNPA Ref 06/341/CP Applicant Name Mr & Mrs Beveridge Development Cheri Bho, 4 Revoan Drive, Grantown-On-Spey Development Details Erection of garage CNPA Notified 21-Aug-06 Call-in Expiry 11-Sep-06 Application Type FUL Planner Recommendation No Call-in Call-in Reasons None Constraints None